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Galati Intermodal Terminal

The Administration Ports of the Maritime Danube (APDM) of Galati signed the contract for the "Elaboration of the technical project for the execution of investment works", part of the first phase of the intermodal terminal project which highlights the strategic position and technical facilities of the three ports of Galati with the creation of an intermodal fluvial maritime-railway terminal that will become a hub for the transport of goods between Asia and Western Europe, through the channel of Rhin-Main-Danube.
The value of the first phase, which will end on March 31, 2020 is 25.619.781 euros, of which, non-refundable funding from the European Commission through the mechanism to connect Europe of 21.776.814 euros, co-financing by the State of 3.450.053 euros and contributions from the private investors Metaltrade International Ltd. and New Port Basin of 392,914 euros.

At the end of the investment in the Galati intermodal terminal, the multimodal platform it could be transited by 300,000 containers, equivalent to 5-6 million tons of goods per year, and would create over 50,000 new jobs in 10 years.

This project will take place in two phases, due to budget constraints of the European Commission. From the EUR 80 million, estimated value of this project, the Commission was able to allocate only 25 million, which represents a part of the port infrastructure, pier and part of the eligible costs, including design.

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  • Padau (Italy)
         Str. Montà n. 106
    Tel. (+39) 3486908777
  • Galati (Romania)
         Str. Al. Lapusneanu n. 18
    Tel. (+40) 236435321


  • Galati
  • Braila
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