Romania has risen to third place in the ranking of countries with the largest 500 companies in Central and Eastern Europe, ranking by the well-known tax audit company Coface.
The ranking is based on data for the year 2018, where 61 Romanian companies entered the ranking, thus surpassing the Czech Republic, which has 60. Poland and Hungary are still in the top two positions, both in terms of both number of companies and turnover total.
The ranking is based on data for the year 2018, where 61 Romanian companies entered the ranking, thus surpassing the Czech Republic, which has 60. Poland and Hungary are still in the top two positions, both in terms of both number of companies and turnover total.
The country manager of Coface Romania, however, pointed out that, this year, economic growth in Central and Eastern Europe, including Romania, has slowed down. Last year, the turnover of the Romanian companies in the ranking of the 500 increased by over 14% and the net profit by almost 13% compared to 2017. On the other hand, the average level of debt rose to 54 %, after four years in which it never exceeded 40%.
In the year 2018, the number of migrants increased worldwide by two percent compared to 2017.
In absolute numbers, the developed countries of the world received 5.3 million migrants only in the year 2018. On the first places as guests are the United States, followed by Germany, according to the report of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD ) issued in Paris. Romania is ranked second, after China, among the countries which have left most of the migrants.
In Romania there are the largest gaps in the EU between large and small incomes. On the basis of Eurostat data, we find that the incomes of 10% of the richest Romanians are almost 6 times higher than those of 10% of the poorest of these, unlike the entire European Union where the ratio is 3.76.