Constituire Societati & Consultanță Juridică

Initiere Afacere, Proprietate Intelectuala, Extrase Informare Companii


Contabilitate, Consultanță Fiscală & Financiară

Salarizare, Auditare, Fiscalitate Internationala si Fonduri Europene


Management Proiecte & Investiții

Administratie, Gestiune Proiecte, Tranzactii si Resurse Umane


Consultanță in Tehnologia Informației

Eficientizare Afacere, Strategie de Integrare, Dezvoltare software


The average earnings in Romania

According to the Romanian National Institute of Statistics :

  • In August 2018, the average gross nominal earnings* were 4449 lei (about 953 euro), by 1.4% lower than the one
    registered in July 2018.
  • The average net nominal earnings were 2669 lei (about 572 euro), decreasing as against the previous month with 39 lei
  • The highest values of the average net nominal earnings were recorded in computer programming, consultancy and related activities (6319 lei, about 1354 euro), while the lowest in accommodation and food service activities (1556 lei, about 333 euro).

August 2018 as compared to August 2017

  • As compared to August of the previous year, the average net nominal earnings increased by 12.9%.

Earnings in relation with the evolution of consumer prices

  • The real earnings index** in relation with the same period of previous year was 107.5%.
  • The real earnings index was 98.3% for August 2018 as against previous month.
  • As compared to October 1990, the real earnings index was 191.6%, by 3.4 percentage points lower than the one recorded in July 2018.

*) The average gross monthly earnings are determined by reporting the amounts from the salary fund, net profit and other funds (exclusive severance payments, backdated paid arrears as consequence of wining the lawsuits involving the money rights related to previous years, nominal value of  holiday vouchers) to the average number of employees.
**) calculated as the ratio between the net nominal earnings index and the consumer prices index.


Noi suntem contabilii si consultantii fiscali care va ajuta sa va indepliniti obiectivele.

  • Padova (Italia)
         Str. Montà n. 106
    Tel. (+39) 3486908777
  • Galati (Romania)
         Str. Al. Lapusneanu n. 18
    Tel. (+40) 236435321


  • Galati
  • Braila
  • Bucuresti
  • Constanta
  • Slobozia
  • Tulcea
  • Buzau
  • Focsani
  • Bacau