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 Present and Prospects of IT&C Sector, Advantages of Investing in Romania.

Romania is one of the fastest-growing information technology (IT) markets in Central and Eastern Europe. The country has made significant progress in the last 15 years in all of the information and communications technology (ICT) subsectors, including basic telephony, mobile telephony, the Internet and IT. The Romanian government's expansionary fiscal and economic policies will contribute towards stronger growth, with positive benefits for the promotion of the IT industry.

We estimate a five-year Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) in IT spending of 7.6% during 2016-2020, one of the highest rates in the region. Many international companies (particularly hardware suppliers) are positioning themselves to capitalise on this surge, setting up local offices and units in Romania, as penetration devices a situation that shows room for growth.

Headline Expenditure Projections :

  • Computer Hardware Sales EUR 770 millions in 2016 to EUR 998 millions in 2020, CAGR +6.8%.
  • Software Sales EUR 425 millions in 2016 to EUR 648 millions in 2020, CAGR +8.4%.
  • IT Services Sales EUR 593 millions in 2016 to EUR 972 millions in 2020, CAGR +8.5%.

Romanian IT&C quality :

  • Over 180,000 IT&C specialists at national level (over 48% software development skills)
  • Technical education includes 5 top polytechnic universities, 59 domain-specific universities, 174 private colleges
  • Romanian universities have been Top 3 in the IEEE Design Competition every year since 2001
  • Romania has more Informatics and Math Olympic medals than any other European nation, and is 3rd globally after Russia (URSS) and China
  • The number of engineers per capita is greater than the US, India, China, or Russia
  • Top 10 globally in the number of certified IT specialists
  • Top 3 at foreign language skills of IT professionals: 92% English, 24% French and 8% Italian
  • The best developed IT pool: Bucharest, Cluj, Timis, Iasi, Brasov, Ramnicu Valcea and Galati

Incentives in Romania, Solutions & Projects on Green Energy

The new Romanian scheme, grants double incentives for wind farms and other renewable energy projects, except the biomass energy that riceives three incentives and solar energy that receive six incentives. So if you build until 2020, you can basically operate with a minimum double incentive. According to most investors in renewable energy, today, Romania has the best legislation in Europe.

Smart-Project Romania as a partner of specialized companies, develops projects in the Renewable Energy sector especially in the South-East of Romania. Our company, besides project management, deals with finance and European structural funds, preparing the necessary documentation and providing assistance throughout the process of implementation of the project.

The solutions we propose in Romania are based on:

  • Solar Panels - transform light into electricity or heat.
    Over the past 5 years the efficiency of conversion has doubled and is it estimated to double again over the next 5 years.
  • Wind turbines - generators more widespread in the sea and on earth.
    The technologies used make possible that these turbines produce power even at low wind speed.
  • Micro hydro-turbine - the running water is a good source of energy.
    We have the technology needed to implement these systems, which is also the cheapest solution in terms of price.

Our goal is to provide the best systems, equipment and quality services, for all applications in alternative energy more efficiently as possible. The implementation of systems with photovoltaic panels, wind turbines and hydroelectric turbines, require a rigorous and technically well-justified design. The greatest danger, and very frequently in practice, is the implementation of underestimated systems - that don’t produce energy at the required parameters, or overestimated systems - with enormous costs that can not pay off during the planned period. Also, many times we have encountered situations in which low-cost equipment was used and it  succumbed after a short period of time. Although apparently the principle of these systems is simple, in the world are not many producers who have high-quality products.

Smart-Project Romania together with other companies in the field have opened a road, which we hope will be cleaner, cheaper and more and environment-friendly for ourselves and for the future generations.

Advantages of Investing in Romania. Relocate or Start a New Business.

The strategic geographical position, the ports on the Black Sea and the Danube, the great economic potential and tourism, made Romania a destination preferred by entrepreneurs for their business.

The advantage of investing in Romania is not only related to the relocation of production, strong point of the massive presence in the country of foreign investors in "historical" sectors such as manufacturing, clothing, footwear, transport and agriculture, but also the excellent prospects for those working in areas such as environment, energy, commerce, services and tourism, infrastructure and finance.

From January 2004 until December 2018, compared to January 2007 - Romania's accession to the European Union, the sectors with the highest growth where the foreign direct investment (FDI) were channeled towards were:

  • Banking and Insurance: +700% up to 2007, +1900% up to 2018;
  • Construction and Real Estate Transactions: + 250% up to 2007, +1800% up to 2018;
  • Commerce (wholesale and detail): + 380% up to 2007 + 1200% up to 2018;
  • Industry: +220% up to 2007, + 800% up to 2018;
  • Energy and Water: +200% up to 2007, + 900% up to 2018;
  • Information and Telecommunications: +200% up to 2007, + 900% up to 2018;
  • Transport: + 260% up to 2007, +700% up to 2018;
  • Hotels and Restaurant: + 100% up to 2007, +500% up to 2018.

Infrastructure :
Romania has a relatively good road network, even though much of the 2nd-lane highway and 981km of 1.144km are to be ready by 2023; better rail system, through which the most part of the traffic of goods is made. Inland waterways are widely used for trade and transport. The main ports are those of Constanta at the Black Sea, Galati, Braila, at the lower Danube; Giurgiu, from which there are several pipelines towards the oil fields of Ploiesti, is an important river port. Aerial communications, provided by companies such as Tarom, WizzAir, RyanAir and BlueAir are also expanding. The major airports in the country are Bucharest, Constanta, Timisoara, Cluj, Oradea, Bacau, Sibiu, Iasi, Brasov and Tulcea.

Why invest in Romania:

  • 16% tax on profits (1% on income for micro-enterprises), from 8% tax on dividends, 0% on reinvested profits ;
  • VAT rate: normal 19%, reduced : 9% and 5%;
  • Net medium salary 700 €/month (total for company 1.190€/month);
  • Low inflation rate (2017 +3,3%, 2018 +3,2%, 2019 +3,8%, 2020 +2,2%) and currency influenced by the Euro ;
  • Over the past years economic growth was among the highest ones in Europe (2017 +6,9%, 2018 +4,1%, 2019 + 4,2%, 2020 - 5,2%, )
  • It's the second biggest market in Central and Eastern Europe, after Poland;
  • European funding grant and incentives for entrepreneurial initiatives;
  • It’s a country where the right of ownership and investment protection is absolutely guaranteed by law;
  • There is a support banking system. The big banks have also followed the investors, mostly attracted by the possibility of business: Groupe Societe Generale, Unicredit Bank, Raiffeisen Bank, HVB Bank, ING Bank, San Paolo-IMI, Etc.
  • Compared to China, India and other countries that have a more favorable labor cost, Romania is preferable because it is protected from possible threats and customs duties, international tensions, technical difficulties (language-culture-law and different customs) ;
  • Raw materials and energy have a low cost;
  • No restrictions on export of capital;
  • 50% the people living in cities speak English or Italian.

Present and Prospects in Romania, Agriculture & European Structural Funds.

During 2021-2027, Romania will receive European funds of over 20 billion euros for Agriculture and Rural Development, has as priority :

  • the development, the establishment and the modernization of agricultural units;
  • the increase of the added value of the agricultural and forest products;
  • the renewal, the development of the villages, the improvement of basic services for the economy and the rural population and for the patrimony valorization.

Our Company and the Agriculture in Romania:

Romania has about 10 million hectares of farmland, of which less than 35% belong to investors, the rest is still owned by farmers. Of the total area of arable land, about one million hectares is state owned, leased to investors. So there's still plenty of room in the market for agricultural land, only that, being very split, the buying process is very slow. So there's still plenty of room in the market for agricultural land, only that, being very split the purchase process is very slow.

  • we follow directly the Romanian Plain, region with centuries-old tradition in the agriculture, with a very fertile soil, irrigation networks, access to a complex infrastructure of roads, railways and Danube ports;
  • advising and planning for accessing European funds;
  • assistance and services through our agricultural partner companies.

The Agriculture in coverage areas :

  • Galati : 65% cereals (20% wheat), 20% sunflower, 6% vineyard and vegetables
  • Braila : 65% cereals (20% wheat), 25% sunflower, 3% vegetables
  • Buzau : 70% cereals (21% wheat), 20% sunflower, 3% vegetables, 1,7% fruits
  • Tulcea : 60% cereals (25% wheat), 23% sunflower, 4% vineyard, 1% fruits
  • Ialomita : 60% cereals (31% wheat), 22% sunflower, 3% vegetables
  • Constanta : 60% cereals (31% wheat), 24% sunflower, 3% vineyard, 1% fruits
  • Vrancea : 50% cereals (11% wheat), 8% sunflower, 11% vineyard, 2% fruits

For Rural Development projects in Romania, in addition to assistance with funding, we can provide our technical advisors following projects in sewage systems, street lighting, water treatment, etc.

Economic Development of Romania. Projects & Real Estate Services

Romania represents an excellent investment prospect, as a consequence of also the European politics that see Romania as the logistical interface between West and East and a future economic power in Europe.

After becoming member of NATO and the European Union, Romania has gained little by little the leadership in the area for foreign direct investments (FDI) and has also become the country with the highest economic growth in the European Union. Even though the market is yet scarce in good quality products, due to its businesses-oriented fiscal policy and its structural necessities, specialists consider Romania a "Top Investment Location" which will continue to attract significant investments for medium and long term especially in key areas such as national infrastructure sustained by European funds and the real estate sector. As a natural consequence of the economic development perspective, the acquisition of real estate in Romania has become a great opportunity and the most attractive part of such an investment is that the price of property is still very low.

Some advantages of the Romanian real estate market:

  • High revaluation of property;
  • Great demand for new buildings;
  • Building land from 15 € / sqm, construction costs 650-850 € / sqm, selling price new 1100-1500 € / sqm.;
  • Municipal taxes for approving a building project 1.8% of its value, time of release 3 - 6 months;
  • Municipal taxes for buildings are 0,1% /year of its imposable value calculated according to the surface, area and city for the individuals; for companies they vary from 0,2%-1,5% of the buying value;
  • Taxes and notary fees for buying and selling real estate are : ZERO taxes up to 100.000 €,  further 3% for individuals and companies;
  • Residential market is definitely underestimated, the market for commercial and industrial spaces in some areas apparently reaching saturation in 2019, will continue to rise;
  • Entry into the single European currency planned for 2028;
  • Amortization for buying residential property in ratio with the rent in 12-15 years;
  • Rentals: residential for 5 € / sqm, commercial 8 € / sqm, industrial by 1,5 € / sqm.

If you intend to buy or rent, build shopping , residential or industrial complexes in Romania, in addition to knowing very well the real estate market - we ensure great efficiency, we have several opportunities and investment proposals, business partners in the construction and renovation field.

Some of our services: real estate investments in Romania, Legal and Tax Issues Properties in Romania, Valuation of Properties in Romania, Real Estate Development Projects in Romania, sales and rentals of property in Romania, Management and  Maintenance of Property in Romania, etc..

Contact Us

We are the accountants and tax advisors who will help you achieve your goals.

  • Padau (Italy)
         Str. Montà n. 106
    Tel. (+39) 3486908777
  • Galati (Romania)
         Str. Al. Lapusneanu n. 18
    Tel. (+40) 236435321


  • Galati
  • Braila
  • Bucharest
  • Constanta
  • Slobozia
  • Tulcea
  • Buzau
  • Focsani
  • Bacau