Constituire Societati & Consultanță Juridică

Initiere Afacere, Proprietate Intelectuala, Extrase Informare Companii


Contabilitate, Consultanță Fiscală & Financiară

Salarizare, Auditare, Fiscalitate Internationala si Fonduri Europene


Management Proiecte & Investiții

Administratie, Gestiune Proiecte, Tranzactii si Resurse Umane


Consultanță in Tehnologia Informației

Eficientizare Afacere, Strategie de Integrare, Dezvoltare software


Tehnologia Informației & Comunicații

 Prezentul si Evolutia Scectorului IT&C, Avantaje Privind Investitiile in Romania.

Romania is one of the fastest-growing information technology (IT) markets in Central and Eastern Europe. The country has made significant progress in the last 15 years in all of the information and communications technology (ICT) subsectors, including basic telephony, mobile telephony, the Internet and IT. The Romanian government's expansionary fiscal and economic policies will contribute towards stronger growth, with positive benefits for the promotion of the IT industry.

We estimate a five-year Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) in IT spending of 7.6% during 2016-2020, one of the highest rates in the region. Many international companies (particularly hardware suppliers) are positioning themselves to capitalise on this surge, setting up local offices and units in Romania, as penetration devices a situation that shows room for growth.

Headline Expenditure Projections :

  • Computer Hardware Sales EUR 770 millions in 2016 to EUR 998 millions in 2020, CAGR +6.8%.
  • Software Sales EUR 425 millions in 2016 to EUR 648 millions in 2020, CAGR +8.4%.
  • IT Services Sales EUR 593 millions in 2016 to EUR 972 millions in 2020, CAGR +8.5%.

Romanian IT&C quality :

  • Over 180,000 IT&C specialists at national level (over 48% software development skills)
  • Technical education includes 5 top polytechnic universities, 59 domain-specific universities, 174 private colleges
  • Romanian universities have been Top 3 in the IEEE Design Competition every year since 2001
  • Romania has more Informatics and Math Olympic medals than any other European nation, and is 3rd globally after Russia (URSS) and China
  • The number of engineers per capita is greater than the US, India, China, or Russia
  • Top 10 globally in the number of certified IT specialists
  • Top 3 at foreign language skills of IT professionals: 92% English, 24% French and 8% Italian
  • The best developed IT pool: Bucharest, Cluj, Timis, Iasi, Brasov, Ramnicu Valcea and Galati


Noi suntem contabilii si consultantii fiscali care va ajuta sa va indepliniti obiectivele.

  • Padova (Italia)
         Str. Montà n. 106
    Tel. (+39) 3486908777
  • Galati (Romania)
         Str. Al. Lapusneanu n. 18
    Tel. (+40) 236435321


  • Galati
  • Braila
  • Bucuresti
  • Constanta
  • Slobozia
  • Tulcea
  • Buzau
  • Focsani
  • Bacau